As of September of last year my father has been retired. It is wonderful to have my dad back. The stress of his job made him short tempered, tired and always on the road, but now all of that has changed and he is the Papa Bear that I remember growing up with. The one who loved creating the story.
When I say creating "The story" I mean anything that entices the imagination or makes you think about what could be. He is a craftsmen, writer, and being Irish a tall tale teller. I know that Nolan is still young but I get butterflies when I think of Nolan sitting in my dad's lap for story time or just to see Nolan's face when my dad tries to convince him that something is true when it is just silly.
Another benefit of his retirement is that we get to spend way more time with him, and he gets to create like he used to. Those benefits combine, I needed some help with Nolan's room.
I had bought a wonderful shower curtain at Target, cut it in half, hemmed it, and used it as curtains for Nolan's room.
The curtains were perfect but Nolan's room was still needing something like knobs to hang cloths and someway of measuring Nolan's growth. Not to mention more art! So, the need beget the inspiration. The trees in the curtains were the inspiration to fill the need, and my mom and dad were just the people to help.
Here are the trees all cut out and sanded down in my dad's workshop.
And here are the trees with my mom's beautiful paint job hanging in Nolan's room.
The pine tree has a tape measure on it to measure Nolan as he grows, and the apple trees have knobs on them so cloths and things can be hung (the big tree is for me to hang things, and the little tree is for when Nolan gets older and needs to clean his own room).
These are so great...your parents did a great job.