Thursday, January 6, 2011

Finally Asleep

"So, is he sleeping through the night?"  I hear this question all the time.  Whether it is directed at me or someone I'm standing next to it annoys me to the core.  In essence it is just an excuse for new moms to brag about their kids.  "Yes, he's been sleeping through the night since he was two weeks old, and boy does he snore!"  and then the questioner normally comes back with something along the lines of, "That's about when (name here) was sleeping through the night and in her own bed."

I wish I had a real good biblical reason for why such an intercourse is so displeasing to the Lord...but I don't.  The reason such a phrase is so distasteful to me is because I can't join in the bragging.  My 13 month old is still NOT sleeping through the night, in fact the little guy hates to sleep.  Let me say that again HATES to sleep.  Fresh out of the womb he never wanted to take naps or sleep at night very much.  I remember talking on the phone with the parents as teacher rep for the first time.  I can still hear her astonished voice when I said N only slept maybe three or four hours normally during the day and maybe that much at night. He was one month old!

To get him to sleep I've done a number of strange maneuvers and tricks that work for awhile and then once he discovers what my plan is (to get him to sleep) he fights it tooth and nail.   The only thing that has always worked is nursing him to sleep, but in my research I've found that my only tool could be keeping him from sleeping longer (I almost cried).  So, our new strategy is nurse him until he is almost asleep and then put him in his bed and let him naturally fall asleep the rest of the way.   Well, I just got done putting him down for his first took an hour and forty minutes!      

Truthfully, I don't know why I'm blogging about this shameful parenting flaw.  I guess to release some of the stress of having to hear a screaming baby for an hour and forty minutes.  Am I the only one who has an insomniac for a child?

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