Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mommy Time

N is now 15 months old, so that means I've been a stay at home Mom for a little over a year now and I have to remind myself that I need to purposefully hang out with other moms. It is soooo easy to stay home and play with the baby (or toddler) and get stuff done around the house.  But there is always something that is outlet for the fun ideas and research, and anything else that is mommy related. 

I personally have been a little obsessed with cloth diapers, gardening, saving money on food, and just food in general.  Though Steve is a great listener even he can get bored about hearing the difference between hemp diaper soakers verses bamboo or how buying whole chickens is so much cheaper than just parts of the chicken (Aldis sells whole chickens for 83cents a pound!!!).  It wasn't until last Sunday that I realized that I needed to talk to other moms in my area.

A good friend of mine and fellow blogger Diana Pardue (This is her blog) stopped by my cafe Sunday to talk about community garden stuff, and I found myself suddenly in a two way conversation about all the things that I had been obsessing about!  The burden of just thinking about such things was suddenly lifted! 

I always knew that I get a recharged from talking to like minded friends, but never before felt the release of tension of thought until recently. So, now I'm going to be making it a priority to get with like minded moms...mine and my husband's sanity depends on it. :)

Picture via Etsy via Kathannah

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