Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring Oh I Want To Go Outside!

Today, is ones of those days when God's grace is truly evident.  It's beautiful outside, and with new garden beds, rose bushes, flowers, and so much more to plant I'm amazed I'm still in.  But today is not about me.

No, today is about Jane.  She is teething, and has a head cold complete with cough.  Because of her cold it is hard for her to go asleep let alone stay asleep. So, I get to hold her.  Hold her when she coughs herself awake, hold her as she cries, hold her to just give her peace.

Her cold blossomed on Thursday, and it's been hard on the family but that is where God's grace comes in. As I rock her I've been reading blogs on my phone and there is an amazing amount of encouraging mom posts out there! Like Creative Little House, imperfect homemaking,
Love Taza,& Merrick's Art. How amazing to know that A. God supplies the needs of my heart and B. That I'm not the only one calling on his name for help.

So, as I hold my baby girl and the laundry piles up, dinner needs to be made, and N plays trains in the buff (long explanation, I'll tell you later) I'm falling more and more into God's grace.

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