Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Big Kids Wish List

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope that everyone had a wonderful meal with lots of fellowship and of course pie! I know that we did. 

Now, for many of you it is time to SHOP! You might be shopping already; so while you are standing in line with your smart phone I hope that the following lists will help you.  Merry Christmas!
 Starting from the top and then clockwise. Steve: Airsoft Electric Gun Full Size LOADED, XBox 360 250GB (or anything over 4GB), Weber Style Grill Gloves, Norpro Stainless Steel Vertical Roaster, GrillPro Cast Iron Smoker Box, Crosman AirSoft Sticky Target, Ammo Box.

Starting at the upper left corner and then going clockwise. Adrienne: Babes in the Woods, Picnic Blanket (doesn't have to be this one), Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing for Baby, Winco Vegetable Mill, REAL SIMPLE easy, delicious home cooking, Reusable Produce Bags, Necklace,  Full Circle Fresh Air Kitchen Compost Collector, Vanilla Beans, Any Size Canning Jars, The Rhythm of a Family.

The Kid's Wish Lists

 So, I've been working on our wish lists for awhile.  Nolan and I have been weaning ourselves from media, making getting this particular post out little harder.  Steve's and My wish lists are coming soon...promise!
Jane: 1. Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether 2. Beaba Babycook Baby Food Maker (she wouldn't mind a use on :) ) 3. Haba Whirlygig Clutching toy  4. Sassy Look Photo Book.  5. Flip Cloth Diapers. 6.(not pictured) Little Tikes 2-in-1 Snug 'n Secure Swing Blue.
Nolan: 1.Squiggles: Really Giant Drawing and Painting Book 2.Plan Toys Solid Drum 3. Insect Lore Creature Peeper  4. Frog Hooded Bath Towel 5. Rock 'Em Sock 'Em ROBOTS Game 6. Little Tikes TotSports T-Ball Set 7. Little Doctor Kit 8.Tuffo Muddy Buddy Overalls

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Halloween and Well Just Life

So, Halloween was AWESOME! Jane was a burrito so we had to go to Chipotle for lunch and take some pictures of Jane with REAL burritos.  Nolan was Thomas of course.  He wore it all day, and got excited every time he got more candy (and yes I did let him eat a lot of candy on Halloween but only on Halloween). 

Other than Halloween we have just been enjoying the weather and the season.  Found a worm in one of my apples, and while I was editing the picture it made me think of Busy Town.   You know:
Other than long walks at the zoo or park I've been thinking of N's birthday and trying to get prepared not only for Thanksgiving but also Christmas.  Hopefully, soon I'll have our family's Christmas wishes posted.  Oh, and stickers in the hands of toddlers can be very messy, and under appreciated in my opinion. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."

Something to always remember...