Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You Say Tomato I say TomAto

For as long as I can remember I have not liked tomatoes raw.  The only exception being salsa.  I try them over and over and over again with different suggestions but I just could not get over the texture or when it came to grape tomatoes the explosion in your mouth.  But that was until today; this twenty sixth of July I have for the first time in my life enjoyed a tomato raw.

It started out as a test, a test of the new book I'm reading: French Women Don't Get Fat.
Pretty hefty statement if I do say so myself, but what the book focuses on is quality of food, freshness, savoring, portion control by distraction, and enjoyment.  It is the only weight loss book that suggests you find an exercise that you can do in your regular clothes!  She, Mrs. Guiliano, stresses that the plan if followed correctly will in fact be enjoyable and give you a deeper understanding of yourself, what you eat, and in the end a lifetime of pleasurable eating with a skinny waist.

Um, SOLD! Wait where is the catch?  Okay, here it is:
     1. You have to eat slow enough that your brain registers what you are eating, this is known to the European crowd as "savoring" your food.  If you have been eating crappy stuff you will start to notice. Stop eating crap and start eating quality food (p.s. most of all the fast food restaraunts serve crappy food, cook at home for the best food).
     2. You need to find your personal equilibrium when it comes to eating the weight gainers (i.e. sugar, bread, meat, fats, etc).  Really like dessert after dinner but already had a heavy lunch? Eat a light dessert and a light dinner (and yes she does give examples).
     3. Drink water, lots of it.

     4. Eat seasonally and eat more veggies and fruits.  Just like with my tomato, you need to try to buy food at it's peek, when it is it's best (no packaging or refridgeration for fruits).  This not only tastes better but is tons easier to prepare.  Take my tomato again, cut into cubes, sprinkled with salt, pepper, basil and a little olive oil, and then served with sourdough toast (not buttered) YUM!
And last but not least
     5. Try and find at least 20 min of walking or movement that you can do in regular clothes, every or every other day. If you prefer getting all sweaty for 30 min every other day, that's fine too.

So what do you think? Too good to be true, well lets try it out.  You read the book and I'll start on step one (making sure to right down everything that I eat and drink, and when and where I drink it). Then in two weeks we'll look over the findings.

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