Thursday, May 10, 2012

Being a Mom is Gross

Art By Nolan

If you had told me four years ago that I would, without thinking twice, wipe snotty noses with my hands, share my drinks with a toddler (who is known for back-washing), or have to double check my hands and arms for poop, I probably would shrug and say, "That's why I'm not having kids."

Kids are gross and the younger they are the grosser (I think).  But nothing, no nothing, could have been grosser than what happened today. 

Nolan has been fighting a fever since late Tuesday afternoon.  It's been a pretty bad one, because when the fever is at its highest (normally when his fever medicine is starting to wear off but I can't give him more yet.) he can't do anything.  He lays on me for comfort, and doesn't want anything.  No food (we temped him with ice cream, and he said, "no"), no drinks, nope just mom and Thomas and Friends will do it for this sicky. 

I was hoping that it would only last a day or so and then break and he would be back to normal.  But it didn't, in fact it has been getting so bad that I was having a hard time bringing it down last night.  So, off to the doctor we go. 

They confirmed that he was indeed sick and prescribed him with antibiotics, which is what they do with every illness (at least it feels that way).  Well, while Nolan and I were filling the prescription something gross happened.


Nolan threw up in the store! And what was my gut reaction?! I caught it in MY HAND!!!!  I had to call an associate of the store over for help in getting rid of the vomit.  You should have seen his eyes! 

As much as my mother instinct tried to catch all the throw up in one hand I couldn't (I really do have small hands), and some got on N and the cart.  (note to self: Always disinfect shopping carts).  I cleaned myself, N and the cart up as best as I could.  Disinfected as best as I could but the never forget that smell.   So, while we waited for our prescription to be filled we smelled.   Luckily, it didn't take too long, and we were out the door, back home and in a tub in no time.  I texted Steve for a raise in wages and the addition of privileges.

On the plus side of all this Nolan started feeling better right after the incident and asked for food.  Which he hadn't either been in the mood for or just couldn't keep down.  So, there you go!


1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha!! I feel for the guy in the store. but throwing up always does seem to make people feel better.
    I hope he gets better soon.
    Love you.
    ~Jessica Silvey
