Friday, May 13, 2011

Project: Feed Toddler!

N has a new phrase..."No no."  He uses this phrase the most when it is time to eat.  Even the the things that he usually likes have been "No no"ed, which means I have had to be on the top of my food prep game and try and get as much advice as I can.  These are some of the meals that have come from that effort:
Grill cheese hot dog bun with dippers, ketchup, ranch (of course), and hummus with a side of peas.

Ice Cream cone with baked apples on the bottom, creamy cloud dip, and to top it off frozen blueberries.

Lily Pad Pancakes with Ranch dippers.

Peanut butter and grilled apple sandwich with diced mango and assorted crackers.

1 comment:

  1. Avery is definitely not a toddler yet and so he doesn't eat wheat, dairy or meat yet but he is in love with bananas, avocados and sweet potatoes.....I think they might be in his life forever. hehe
