Monday, April 11, 2011

$10 & A Dream Come True

In the past year or so I have started to broaden my cooking and baking horizon, and it has been great! Even though I've fallen in love with my own cooking (I'm not high and mighty I would just rather eat my food than buy someone else's that doesn't taste as good...that's all), there has been a tool that I see even in the recipes I am trying to follow.  "Pulse ten times to incorporate the butter" or "Pulse until smooth and ingredient are all one color."  Yes, this "Pulsing" is only one tool and one tool only, a food processor.

Even on cooking shows do they use the multipurpose tool for everything; slicing, dicing, kneading, paste making, and some much more!!!  Because I didn't have a FP I made due with some of the other tools I had.  The Bullet for making butters and pastes, the kitchen aid for pie dough, the handy dandy grader for cheeses, and ole faithful the knife for everything else.  It wasn't a bad life but I longed, dreamed if you will for a life of ease; a life of fresh pesto, pie dough, and more than a half cup of almond butter, but at a whopping $120 (on the cheap side) I knew I had to wait.
Craiglist is a godsend! Saturday I found a gently used FP for $10!!! Yeck yeah I'll buy it!  Now, behold the food processor!

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