Thursday, April 7, 2011

Busy Body

Have you ever heard the description of "Busy Body" used to describe someone?  It is normally a person who is constantly "doing" something; it's almost as if they can't relax...yeah, I'm thinking that sums me up.

To start off sorry for the delay in posts but after Japan's happenings life got crazy.  On Sunday April 3rd Portico Cafe hosted a fund raising event within the coffee community.  KC Rossettas for Relief was to be a three fold event in which there would be latte art competition, brewing competition, and a silent auction which included the drinks being made.  It went really well, and even the news showed!  I'm telling you about this because I was the admin for the event. 

Along with my boss and a great PR company we pulled the pieces of the event together and ended raising around $1500 for Japan!!  It was amazing and very overwhelming.

Now, it is day four after the event and all it's prep and I'm just starting to wrap my head around my never ending to do list and hobby list again (which is sometimes hard to tell apart).   In fact as i sat down to a "relaxing" evening read i couldn't help but giggle (and of course take a picture) of my projects/ hobbies that lay on my lap.  Just incase you can't read all the titles this is what is laying on my bed:

-April's budget (with Steve's new job comes a different budgeting strategy)

-Grow Great Grub (I have really bad spring fever!!!)

-Mr. Meyer's Clean Home (yes I grabbed this to check up on spring cleaning stuff)

-How to Store Your Garden Produce (it's in the name)

-The Art of Eating In (a fun read about a girl who decided not to eat out in new york city...loving it!!!)

-then just a note pad for the odd ball to do or idea that i could forget if i didn't write it down. :)

How do you relax? And do you try to put time aside to relax?

1 comment:

  1. ummmm I get pregnant! Besides that I focus on balancing my life and apart of that has to be resting and relaxing. I'm learning about bad stress and good stress and when the bad stress hits I try and stop and regroup. Its quite the process and it changes all the time because of life!
