Friday, April 8, 2011

Freezer Day and Other Important Days of The Week

Geninne's Art Blog

So, I'm not very good about organizing my time.  I'm what they call a creative thinker, I move and flow with how I feel.  I'm rational too; if something NEEDS to get done I'll do it even though I really don't feel like it but there are ways around feelings like watching a video on cooking when I really didn't feel like cooking or browsing through a decorating blog when I didn't feel like cleaning.  These tactics work for the most part but I also find that my move and flow schedule has panic attacks every other day in which I wasn't as prepared as I think I should have been. 

On one particular panic-y day I was feed up with my schedule by feelings and decided to make something a little more...scheduled.

Prior to making this schedule I had to keep in mind my tendencies and the end have fun and less panic attacks. 

So, that meant I still needed a flexible schedule that would leave room for change but also make sure that I had days to prepare for life in general; and this is what I came up with:

Freezer Day: This day is for cooking or baking all the meals or element of meals that can be frozen (i.e. pizza dough, pie dough, rolls).  I think this is a perfect rainy day day, but it really stinks when the weather is beautiful.

Laundry Day & Money Day: This is to change the sheets and catch up on the piles of dirty clothes, NOT to completely get them done.  Since, N wears cloth diapers I do two or three loads of diapers a week so I normally end up doing another load right after. Yeah, Money Day is more budget upkeep than anything.

Errands Day: Groceries, library visits, etc. This is a great day for a picnic if the weather is nice and N gets a kick out of any park we might visit.

Gardening Day: I have a garden at home and a friend and I are working on a community garden.  This day is of course to work on the garden but also to work on it's produce.

Outing Day: This falls in the fun category.  Zoo outings, trail outings, even Odessa outings! This day sounds like soo much fun!

Upkeep Day: I was going to call this Cleaning Day but it is more than that.  For Steve it's Mowing day (he won't let me touch the law mower complaints).  So, really it is a lot of cleaning or whatever jobs that need to be done on at least an every other week basis.  Regular cleaning I normally done through out the week (i.e. sanitize bathrooms, sweep the floors, dust, etc.).    

Rest Day: Just a day to decompress for the weekly to do.

That's seven that a plan is in place let's see how well it works...

1 comment:

  1. YOU actually think you need to be "more" scheduled?? That's hillarious. Love you girly, sorry I haven't called, we finally got our minutes recharged on the phone so I'l ring you tonight! Can't wait.
